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Check here to see if your business is covered by producer responsibility for batteries

Is your business subject to producer responsibility for batteries?

Please note that the result of the test is not a legal decision; it should only be seen as a guidance.

Where is the business established?

Your business is established abroad if you do not have a Danish CVR number.

Your business is not subject to producer responsibility

You must not register in the producer register, but you may want to check whether your products are subject to producer responsibility and whether another business is subject to producer responsibility.

Does your company produce or import batteries or accumulators in view of sale in Denmark?

This means you are the first level of the distribution chain in Denmark. Batteries and accumulators also cover those that are incorporated into equipment or vehicles.

Indicative result of test: Your business is subject to producer responsibility

When you register you must state whether your products are subject to producer responsibility in Denmark. If you are unsure whether your products are in scope, check the products.

Indicative result of test: Your business is not subject to producer responsibility

You must not register in the producer register, but you may want to check whether your products are subject to producer responsibility and whether another business is subject to producer responsibility.