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In Danish Producer Responsibility (DPA), our purpose is to develop and operate the statutory, national producer register. We have gathered a collection of relevant documents and articles where you can search out detailed information. For example, you can search for procedures or guidelines, notes from the authorities, statutory texts, or Danish and EU related reports and articles.

REGULATION (EU) 2023/1542 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 12 July 2023 concerning batteries and waste batteries,

(...amending Directive 2008/98/EC and Regulation (EU) 2019/1020 and repealing Directive 2006/66/EC). EU battery regulation repealing the existing directive. The regulation has direct legal effect in Denmark and must be introduced and fully implemented by February 2027. The regulation introduces new battery categories, with which battery manufacturers and importers must be registered in the producer responsibility register as early as August 2025.

Legislation, Official letters, European Commission, 2023

Guidelines for Registration and Annual Reporting

This document describes how and which data to be reported in connection with registration of a new producer or importer. It is also explained which data to be reported annually to DPA in the annual reporting period from 1 January to 31 March. A guide for the Danish producer responsibility register.

DPA-guidelines, 2023

Statement concerning re-export

Templates for statement on re-export. When a report is made of re-exported quantities it must be documented with this declaration. The registered producer must submit/upload this declaration to DPA-System. The company re-exporting the quantity in question must document with his signature. Refusion for re-exported volumes is possible for marketed volumes 2 years back. Download template for the relevant year.

Forms, Dansk Producentansvar, 2023

Guidance for electronic auditor’s attestation and management’s statement

NEW VERSION!!! The document contains information about the electronic auditor's attestation. Via an electronic invitation made by the producer on the auditor receives a login. The login information gives access to the producer's reported data in the national producer register which the auditor must attest. The document describes the flow for establishment of an auditor's attestation. (Only for Electric Equipment - batteries are not covered yet)

DPA-guidelines, 2023

Cease/mergers of companies (WEEE, BAT)

The document describes rules and duties when registered companies cease to exist, merge or cease to place products on the market covered by responsibility. The different types of information DPA needs is described.

DPA-guidelines, DPA, 2022

Marking of equipment (WEEE)

This document describes the rules in relation to marking of EE-products with a symbol of a crossed-out wheeled bin (Standard DS/EN 50 419). Also the producers' obligation to inform users on management of WEEE is decribed together with the Danish Environmental Protection Agency's standard text doing this. Link to the website of Danish Standards.

DPA-guidelines, 2022

Allocation Scheme (WEEE + BAT)

(Revised version) The allocation scheme means the allocation of waste portable batteries to producers and their collective schemes based on their market share. The allocated waste batteries must be collected from municipal collection sites. The annual allocation period enters into force on 1 September. This is also called 'annual shift'. The document describes the principles behind the allocation including post-adjustment.

DPA-guidelines, DPA, 2022