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Local authorities

Guidelines for cooperation between local authorities and compliance schemes

Under the producer responsibility system in Denmark there is a certain distribution of roles and responsibilities between local authorities and producers in the management of citizens’ waste electronics and portable batteries. This distribution of roles and responsibilities is described in an annex to the WEEE Order; it sets out the guidelines for the cooperation, including requirements for equipment, pick-up, filling rates, and sorting at the municipal collection sites.


Local authorities

DPA Local authority register

In addition to the national producer register DPA also operates a register of municipal collection sites for electronics and batteries. Here, local authorities must create and delete collection sites - also called recycling centres - used by their citizens. Here the local authorities order collection equipment to be supplied by producers. Below the guidelines for the cooperation are reproduced in their entirety.

WEEE Order


The local council must establish collection schemes, including collection points.  The local council must report information to DPA according to the directions from DPA concerning these collection points submitting the following information:

  • Address of collection point.
  • Contact information (person, telephone number, email address).
  • Period for pick-up of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
  • Any special issues concerning access to keys etc.
  • Collection equipment need per fraction.

The local council must be responsible for reporting the above information. This information must be updated immediately in case of changes.

Producers must at any time keep themselves informed about the local council’s registered information about the collection point.

The local council may establish and close collection points with one month’s notice. This must be done according to the directions from DPA. Furthermore, the local council must no later than one month in advance inform producers collecting allocated waste about the established or closed collection point. These registrations are made in the DPA Local authority register.

Producers must pick up collected waste electrical and electronic equipment from the municipal collection points, when the local councils as a minimum have collected following quantities of the different fractions:

  • Fraction 1a. Large equipment (one external dimension larger than 50 cm and/or a weight larger than 20 kg)
  • Fraction 1b. Medium-sized equipment (one external dimension larger than 50 cm and/or a weight lower than 20 kg)
  • Fraction 2: Temperature exchange equipment
  • Fraction 3: Small equipment and small IT and telecommunications equipment
  • Fraction 4: Screens and monitors (100 cm2 or above)
  • Fraction 5: Light sources
  • Fraction 6: Photovoltaic panels

The producer must pick up waste electrical and electronic equipment at the request of the local council when the collection equipment has been filled, though with a minimum of once every six months.


The local council or the collection point must request pick-up by email from the producer when the above quantities have been collected.

Pick-up must then take place on the following terms:

The request must be submitted by no later than 2 p.m. two weekdays before desired pick-up. Weekdays means Monday through Friday.

Pick-up from collection points must be effectuated no later than two weekdays after receipt of the request within the period stated by the local council, cf. point 1. If the request is submitted on a Friday, pick-up must take place on the following Tuesday.

Example: if pick-up is requested by email on a Tuesday at 1 p.m., pick-up must be effectuated by no later than Thursday.

In connection with holidays falling on weekdays (Monday through Friday) waste electrical and electronic equipment must be picked up in those cases where the local council has requested it — regardless of this day being a holiday.

The local council must as far as possible state in its pick-up request how many units should be picked up.

If pick-up is requested on a Saturday, the local council may request extraordinary pick-up, cf. point 2.1.4. below.

If an agreement is entered about pick-up on request the local council must be entitled to organise emergency pick-up pursuant to the procedures stated below if the producer has failed to effectuate the pick- up.

2.1.2 Regular pick-up

The local council and the producer may as an alternative to pick-up on request agree on a permanent time for pick-up within a stipulated period of three hours, for instance: pick-up every Monday between 9 a.m. and 12 noon. In connection with holidays falling on weekdays where regular pick-up has been agreed, the producer must pick up waste electrical and electronic equipment as on normal weekdays.

The local council must state no later than two weekdays before the regular pick-up, if pick-up is not requested as agreed. If needed, the local council may request extraordinary pick-up, cf. point 2.1.4.

If an agreement is entered about regular pick-up, the local council should be entitled to organise emergency pick-up if the producer has failed to effectuate the pick-up, cf. point 2.1.5.

2.1.3 Alternative agreements

Parties may enter agreements deviating from points 2.1.1., 2.1.2., 2.1.4. and 2.1.5.

If pick-up is needed in addition to regular pick-up, cf. point 2.1.2., or pick-up on request, cf. point 2.1.1., the local council may request extraordinary pick-up.

The request must be submitted by no later than 2 p.m. one day in advance of the requested pick-up. The request may be submitted from Monday to Saturday. Pick-up from collection points must be effectuated no later than one weekday after receipt of the request. Extraordinary pick-up may take place from Monday to Saturday.

Each collection point is entitled to request 12 extraordinary pick-ups during an allocation period. This also applies in cases where an agreement about regular pick-up has been entered.

Example: if pick-up is requested by email Tuesday at 1 p.m., pick-up must be effectuated by no later than Wednesday within the period stipulated by the local council, cf. point 1.

In connection with holidays falling on a Monday through Saturday, waste electrical and electronic equipment must be picked up in those cases where the local council has requested extraordinary pick-up — regardless of this day being a holiday.

If extraordinary pick-up has been requested by the local council, the local council should be entitled to organise emergency pick-up pursuant to the procedures stated below, cf. point 2.1.5., if the producer has failed to effectuate the pick-up.

2.1.5. Non pick-up

If the producer does not collect waste electrical and electronic equipment pursuant to the stipulated deadline or the agreed permanent pick-up time, the local council must inform the producer accordingly by fax or email.

No later than four hours after submission of information of non pick-up to the producer by the local council, the producer must have effectuated pick-up of waste from the collection point.

If the producer has not picked up waste within these four hours, the local council may organise emergency pick-up through a third party. The local council must inform DPA about this non pick up according to the directions from DPA.

The producer must within these four hours have the possibility of assigning the place of delivery of non picked-up waste if this has not been agreed in advance.

The local council may choose to request from the producer to cover actual, documented costs borne by the local council in connection with the emergency pick-up, including costs of securing new collection equipment on the site as well as extra administrative costs for the local council.

If the producer does not pay within the time for payment set up by the local council, the latter may, in those cases where the producer has provided financial guarantee, apply to DPA for coverage of actual documented costs in the guarantee provided by the producer.

The local council is responsible for correct separation of waste received.

Separation guidelines must be followed where such are available and electrical and electronic waste must not contain other waste than the waste fractions defined. Therefore, refrigeration equipment and cookers must not contain food or similar.

If collected equipment contains food or similar, the producer may return the equipment for emptying at the local council or request the local council to cover documented costs of emptying. The local council is free to choose whether to empty equipment itself or cover related costs.

Collected waste must not contain more than 5 % by weight of non-electronic waste. Of received electronic waste, no more than 5 % of collected waste must fall under another fraction.

If picked up equipment contains incorrectly separated waste exceeding 5 % by weight of non-electronic waste, or if more than 5 % of received electronic waste falls under another fraction, the producer may return equipment for separation at the local council or request the local council to cover documented costs of separation. The local council is free to choose whether to separate equipment themselves or cover related costs.

If the producer can document costs of management of received waste in connection with incorrect separation exceeding permitted levels, he may request coverage of these costs from the local council according to general regulations of tort.

The local council must ensure that collection equipment supplied by producers is filled at a reasonable rate. If filling of the collection equipment is insufficient, the producer must contact the local council in view of discussing how to improve the filling rate up to a reasonable level.

Producers must supply information about the collection equipment available from which the local council can choose. The information must be registered with DPA and made public on the DPA website. Producers should base their choice of collection equipment on the needs of the local council as well as occupational health and safety conditions.

The local council should register the collection points it establishes.

Based on the information submitted by producers about collection equipment, the local councils should register the need for collection equipment per municipal collection point and fraction. The local council should register this information with DPA, which will make it public on its website.

Producers are under the duty to supply collection equipment on the basis of the needs registered by the local council in the DPA register of municipal collection points. Producers must harmonise collection equipment in relation to the different fractions.

Collection equipment must be workable and comply with general regulations on occupational health and safety. Collection equipment must comply with the description of equipment registered by producers with DPA and available from the DPA website,

A local council which, for special reasons such as design of the collection point etc., cannot use collection equipment made available by producers should, in cooperation with the producer, find equipment covering the special needs of the local council, or enter an agreement to this effect.

Collection equipment made available by producers cannot be used by the local council on other points than the registered collection points unless specifically agreed with the producer.

3.1 Municipal equipment

The local council may choose to use its own collection equipment, and in this case the council itself is responsible for supply and maintenance. This collection equipment must be of the same character as the standard equipment offered by producers. If the local council wishes to use own equipment, this must be agreed directly with the producer. The local council must register such agreement for the collection point with DPA.

If the local council and the producer cannot agree on such agreement, the collection equipment made available by the producer must be used.

The collection equipment must be located at the collection point after emptying by the producer according to the directions from the local council.

If a local council chooses to change from municipally owned collection equipment to equipment supplied by the producer or vice versa, this may be done with a notice of one month according to the directions from DPA.

Changes in the need for collection equipment must be registered by the local council with DPA. This may be done with a notice of one month according to the directions from DPA.

The producer is responsible for loading of collection equipment onto vehicles.

The parties are free to agree that the producer or the collective scheme supplies and maintains transport equipment so that the local council can fill up containers completely etc. In this connection the producer must train the staff of the local council at the collection point in the use of transport equipment.

It may be agreed whether the local council may use equipment for loading and transport of other types of waste than that from electrical and electronic equipment.

In cases where the local council has designed its point in a way that the council needs to move collection equipment, the local council alone must be responsible for provision of transport equipment.

Collection points must be easily accessible for vehicles to load and unload collection equipment for waste electrical and electronic equipment from private households.

The local council is under the duty to take necessary measures at collection points to prevent theft of waste electrical and electronic equipment.

In connection with special agreements and/or disputes DPA draws your attention to the fact that local authorities should always engage in a dialogue with the collective scheme, and not the operator, since the collective schemes assume the responsibility on behalf of producers



Terms and conditions for pick-up of batteries from municipal collection points

See the terms and conditions for pick-up of waste portable batteries and accumulators from municipal collection points

Guidelines for cooperation between producers and importers and local councils in collection of electronics

See the guidelines for cooperation between producers and importers and local councils in collection of electrical and electronic equipment from municipal collection sites