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Check here to see if your business is covered by producer responsibility for packaging

Is your company subject to producer responsibility for packaging?

Please note that the attribution of the producer responsibility may vary depending on who has the packaging designed and manufactured. Therefore, you may have to take the test for more than one of your packaging types. Please note that the result of the test is not a legal decision; it should only be seen as a guidance.

Where is your company established?

Does your company employ less than 10 persons, and does the annual turnover not exceed DKK 15 million?

This is the definition of a micro-enterprise in the legislation on producer responsibility for packaging.

Do you manufacture or import empty or filled packaging that you put on the market in Denmark?

Indicative result of test: Your company is not subject to producer responsibility for this packaging.

You must not register in the producer register, but you may want to check whether your products are subject to producer responsibility and whether another company is subject to producer responsibility.

Do you manufacture or import packaging made to order and design from another company that is not a micro-enterprise?

A micro-enterprise employs less than 10 persons and has an annual turnover not exceeding DKK 15 million.

Indicative result of test: Your company is not subject to producer responsibility for this packaging.

You must not register in the producer register.

IMPORTANT!!! If you also manufacture/import packaging without another company’s name/brand, you are subject to producer responsibility for packaging. This also applies, if you manufacture/import packaging made to order and design from a micro-enterprise.

Indicative result of test: Your company is subject to producer responsibility

You must register in the producer register.

If you are unsure whether your products are packaging in scope, check the products.

Do you have manufactured empty or filled packaging under your own name/brand?

It does not matter whether another company’s brand is visible on the packaging.

Indicative result of test: Your company is subject to producer responsibility

You must register in the producer register.

If you are unsure whether your products are packaging in scope, check the products.

Do you sell empty or filled packaging on the Danish market to a Danish end-user (consumer/company).

End-user means the place where the packaging becomes waste.

Indicative result of test: Your company is subject to producer responsibility in Denmark

You must register in the producer register with an authorised representative (AR). An authorised representative is a physical or legal person being authorised to represent your company and registered in the producer register. Read more about Authorised representative

If you are unsure whether your products are packaging in scope, check the products.

Indicative result of test: Your company is not subject to producer responsibility in Denmark

You must not register in the producer register, but you may want to check whether your products are packaging subject to producer responsibility in Denmark.

Do you sell packaging/packaged products on the Danish market to a Danish end-user (consumer/company)?

End-user means the place where the packaging becomes waste.

Indicative result of test: Your company is subject to producer responsibility

You must register in the producer register.

If you are unsure whether your products are packaging in scope, check the products.

Indicative result of test: Your product is not subject to producer responsibility

You must not register in the producer register, but you may want to check whether your products are packaging subject to producer responsibility in Denmark.