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Outcome of 11. EWRN Conference 22.-23. May 2012 in Copenhagen.

These 3 documents are the outcome of the conference "WEEE2 in EU" which was held by the Danish Ministry of Environment, Danish Industry (DI) and the European WEEE Registers Network (EWRN) in connection with the implementation of the recast of the WEEE directive . The purpose was to provide input to the Comissions new FAQ

Konferencen havde til formål at sikre størst mulig harmonisering og fælles forståelse indenfor de tre hovedområder: Registrering og rapportering, Omfattede og undtagede produkter (scoping), samt Metoder til beregning af målsætninger.

Udkommet af konferencen er samlet i disse tre dokumenter (på engelsk):

Registration and reporting -outcome

Scope paper – outcome

Calculation of targets -outcome