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Financial guarantee and refund for re-export

Producer responsibility means in a few words that businesses have the responsibility for their products in a life cycle perspective. You must therefore provide a financial guarantee for the take-back obligation that you may not fulfil yourselves. On the other hand, it is possible to apply for a refund for the quantities re-exported out of the Danish market by a subsequent level in the distribution chain.

Financial guarantee

In Denmark, producer responsibility has been implemented in a way that it is in most cases not possible for each individual business to only take back their own products from households at the end of their service life. Thus, the producer responsibility scheme is not specific regarding products or brands destined for private households; it is based on market shares per product category.

This means that when you place equipment on the market for private end-users the producer responsibility entails a requirement for provision of an annual financial guarantee for the costs for collection of end-of-life electronics from municipal collection sites. For small individual compliers with such small quantities that they are not allocated a collection area, an individual financial guarantee is levied.


When is the financial guarantee used?

The financial guarantee is used in situations where a producer or an importer ceases to exist or does not assume responsibility for the take-back and management of the allocated quantities of end-of-life products.

The guarantee is provided as a so-called guarantee on demand in a Danish financial institution or a Danish branch office of a foreign financial institution.

Collective schemes may in certain cases apply for exemption from provision of financial guarantee.

Individual guarantee

For small businesses not affiliated to a collective compliance scheme and that places equipment for private households on the market a financial guarantee system is used where the business is charged with an amount to cover their take-back obligation. This financial guarantee is calculated by DPA with the same cost rates as for the ordinary financial guarantee, and it is notified to the producer by email and invoice to the business’s digital mailbox for Danish businesses. The financial guarantee is levied by DPA once a year. Only financial guarantees for quantities amounting to more than DKK 250 in the calculation of fees are levied.

How and how much?

By using our Online calculator you can get an idea based on which and how many products (in kilograms) you sell to households in Denmark of what you must expect to pay in connection with your producer responsibility.

Rates for calculation of financial guarantee 2024:

Product categoryTake-back factor Handeling rates (DKK/Kg)
1. Temperature exchange equipment0.591.56
2. Screens, monitors, and equipment w screens > 100 cm20.511.46
3. Light sources0.528.38
4. Large equipment >50 cm0.601.00
5. Small equipment <50 cm0.391.27
6. Small IT and telecommunication equipment <50 cm0.421.27
7. Photovoltaic panels0.019.55

Refund for re-export

The Order allows for a refund for re-exports.

If a quantity of products sold in a given year to a Danish dealer is subsequently and in the same calendar year exported out of Denmark, it is possible for the producer to get a refund for the originally registered quantity. Refund for re-export means that a given quantity of the electrical equipment that a producer has placed on the Danish market in a calendar year and reported to the producer register in Denmark in that same calendar year has been sold for export out of the country by a subsequent level in the sales chain. Documentation must be presented for the re-exported quantity.

DPA will then give a refund for the re-exported quantity in our calculation of fees, financial guarantee, and allocation.

Re-export means a quantity of equipment sold on the Danish market in a calendar year that is exported out of Denmark by a subsequent level in the sales chain in the same year


Financial guarantee

In this document you can read more about financial guarantees, purposes, and calculation

Guarantee on demand

Find the form to be used in connection with provision of financial guarantee

Reporting and documentation for re-export

In this document you can read more about reporting and documentation for re-export

Statement on re-export

Find the form to be used in connection with re-export