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Other players

Consultants and other service providers

According to the directive and the Danish statutory order only a limited number of players have a statutory right to act and register information on behalf of producers in the national producer register.

Who can legally access the register?

In Denmark, there are three types of players who can act in the producer register, either limited or with full access, on behalf of businesses subject to producer responsibility:

  1. Producer/importer
  2. Authorised representative
  3. Collective compliance scheme

In addition, a temporary access can be given to auditors for submission of auditor’s attestations for a producer.

System users

System users can be added by the NemLog-in administrators of the above-mentioned registered players who are solely responsible for assigning rights to access the Producer Responsibility Registry with MitID Erhverv. (MitID Erhverv is a common secure login on the Internet in Denmark). Se more on Access to our register 

All other players offering commercial administration or consultancy services etc. for businesses covered by producer responsibility do not have access to the register.

All players acting on behalf of a business covered by producer responsibility in Denmark must use a Danish access certificate in the form of a business MitID to access the register


Compliance schemes

Read more about compliance schemes in Denmark

Collective compliance schemes

See list of collective schemes in Denmark


Read more about legislation from EU to Denmark. The relevant legislation takes its starting point in the EU environmental policy and a number of product-specific regulations