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Access to our register

How to access the register

There are several different players who need access to the statutory producer register with DPA. The data to which the different players have access reflect their functions under the producer responsibility. The login access to the register, however, only distinguishes between you being established in Denmark with a Danish CVR number or not. See how to log into the producer register.

The login page has a right-hand and a left-hand side – for foreign and Danish players’ access to the producer register, respectively.
Also see: Guide to Danish companies with foreign users

Below you can see how Danish (step 1 to 3) and foreign companies get access to the register with NemLog-in (also known as MitID business) and foreign companies with user name and a password on the login page.

Steps 1 to 3

Below, you can see how, with a Danish CVR number, you gain access to the registry using MitID Erhverv. If you already have MitID Erhverv, proceed directly to step 2.

Danish Companies - This is how you do it:

Private MitID

If you only have a private MitID, your company MUST first be connected to MitID Erhverv.

Guide to connecting to MitID Erhverv (External link)

Management representative

If you are a management representative, you must create an additional business user for yourself. Select “Create user” and create yourself again. It is possible to create several business users under the same CPR number.

See more at if you are a management representative

Proceed to next step 2: “Give rights”.

When you are connected to MitID Erhverv (Step 1), whoever administers MitID in the company must assign your MitID “rights” to access our register. Please follow the instructions below.

NB! Especially for Management Representatives
If you are a management representative, you must create an additional business user for yourself. Select “Create user” and create yourself again. (It is possible to create several business users under the same CPR number). Give the new business user DPA rights by following the instructions below.

As administrator for the company’s NemLog-in, you do the following:

  • Log onto MitID Erhverv
  • Find the relevant staff member of your company and select ‘Edit user’
  • Select ‘Give rights’ under the section Rights
  • Find category: ‘Environment and agriculture’
  • If you have electronics, batteries, filters:
    – Tick ’Producer responsibility W/E/B/F: Company’
  • If you have packaging, single-use plastic or fishing gear:
    -Tick ’Producer responsibility: Company’
  • Select ‘Give rights’

You are now ready and can go to the register (step 3)

Once steps 1 and 2 are completed, the staff member can access the producer register.

Foreign Companies - This is how you do it:

For all players without a Danish CVR number

Upon their registration or e-mail invitation, all the above players such as non-EU producers, collective schemes, or auditors for EU companies must create a user name (normally e-mail) and a password. This information must be entered in the fields on the right-hand side of the login page.


Danish MitID Erhverv

The Danish Agency for Digital Government is responsible for the access solution which public and private-public authorities - and thereby also DPA - are obliged to use in the registration and reporting of statutory information. This is the place to contact when your company and staff members need guidance to public registration systems.

Go to MitID for businesses

Danish companies: Contact your MitID – company administrator

For all players registered with a Danish CVR number:

When your company or organisation is registered with NemLog-in, an administrator will be appointed to give roles and rights to staff members by using the access certificate for NemLog-in. The administrator may be you if you are a one-person business, or an executive or staff member of the company.

When you or a staff member of the company need access to the producer register the administrator must give access rights to the person in question. In DPA we use the term ‘system users’, who are those persons the player in question has created as the user of the producer register. You may check whether it is the same staff members who should have the future right to access the producer register with MitID Erhverv.

How to do for the company’s NemLog-in administrator:

  • Log onto MitID Erhverv
  • Find the relevant staff member of your company and select ‘Edit user’
  • Select ‘Give rights’ under the section Rights
  • Find category: ‘Environment and agriculture’
  • Tick ’Producer responsibility W/E/B/F: Company’
  • Select ‘Give rights’

Now the staff member can access the producer register through the DPA login page and MitID on the left-hand side of the page.

Guide to Danish companies with foreign users

Players under the producer responsibility legislation

Your company is registered in the producer register with different roles and thus has access to different data and functions. Login to the register depends on whether you are registered with a Danish CVR number or not.

Players are:

  1. Producers and importers in Denmark
  2. Producers in an EU country
  3. Producers outside the EU
  4. Authorised representative (AR) for EU producers
  5. Collective scheme
  6. Auditor
  7. Municipality
  8. Municipal waste management company