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Products and responsibility

Legislation from EU to DK

Producer responsibility is a regulatory tool used in the EU for products in so-called priority material streams. Therefore, under the general framework legislation for resources and waste there are a number of special directives applying the producer responsibility model on selected product groups. So far, we have in Denmark implemented producer responsibility for electronics, batteries, and vehicles.



See the legislation specifically for producer responsibility for electronics



See the legislation specifically for producer responsibility for batteries



See the legislation specifically for producer responsibility for vehicles

Single-use plastics

Single-use plastics

See the legislation specifically for producer responsibility for SUP



See the legislation specifically for producer responsibility for packaging

Common for all producer responsibilities – meet the targets

Common for and essential to producer responsibility legislation is that the focus on volume, resource consumption and product optimization is increased in line with the introduction to the Circular Economy. For you as a company, this means that the legislator, both in the EU and nationally, places increased environmental goals on you who manufacture or import products from prioritized material flows. It is the way towards the Circular Economy, which sets the agenda towards better performance of decoupling the use of virgin resources and economic growth.

New legislation

Minimum Requirements in force

All national producer responsibility schemes in the EU will now be covered by a number of minimum requirements. The minimum requirements follow from the waste frameworks' revised chapters 8 and 8a, and are implemented in the Danish executive orders, of which the requirements for both electronics and cars have already been issued and entered into force. The upcoming executive orders on producer responsibility for batteries, single-use plastics and packaging contain the same provisions. The main purpose is to streamline the effect and efficiency of producer responsibility legislation.

Minimum requirements for producer responsibility

National register

A common feature is also that each Member State must establish a register for the registration of businesses covered by legislation and therefore having to report once a year statutory information to this register. In Denmark the national register authority is found in DPA.

The duty of registration and reporting applies to producers and importers – this responsibility affects the first level of the distribution chain in the Member State.

Another characteristic is the supervision of quantities in the form of products’ material and substance streams that is reflected in the statutory requirements for annual reporting of quantities of electronics, batteries, and vehicles placed on the market in the Member State by each producer or importer along with collected and environmentally treated quantities. The legislation sets out environmental targets to be calculated in each Member State based on the quantitative reporting.

Statutory documents of relevance

Below you can find a collection of links to key EU statutory documents and the Danish acts implementing them in Denmark. There are also links to provisions applying specifically to different product groups: electrical and electronic equipment, batteries and accumulators, and vehicles.

  • Circular economy action plan
    EU Commission’s website on the Circular economy action plan

    EU - Circular economy
  • EU Commission’s framework legislation on waste and producer responsibility
    EU Commission’s website on waste and resources, including the waste framework directive

    EU framework on environment
  • Danish Plan of Action for Circular Economy
    Danish Plan of Action for Circular Economy 2020-2032

    Danish Plan of Action for Circular Economy
  • Danish Environmental Protection Act
    This main Act defines the general responsibilities and regulation areas for all players engaged in national producer responsibility systems.

    LBK nr 5 af 03/01/2023
  • EU environmental targets
    Targets that all Member States must attain before a given year

    EU environmental targets
  • Implementation of minimum requirements for national producer responsibility schemes
    Amendment to the Danish Environmental Protection Act (Implementation of minimum requirements in the waste directive regarding existing extended producer responsibility systems, introduction of extended producer responsibility on packaging, and modernisation of collection and treatment of waste electronics)

    Act amending act no. 807 of 09/06/2020



See legislation specifically on producer responsibility for electronics


See legislation specifically on producer responsibility for batteries


See legislation specifically on producer responsibility for vehicles

Single-use plastic

See legislation specifically on producer responsibility for single-use plastic products


See legislation specifically on producer responsibility for packaging.