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Single-use plastic – legislation

Legislation relating to single-use plastic products

Here you can find EU legislation on single-use plastic products and the Danish implementation. In general, the Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Directive is implemented in the Danish Environmental Protection Act, while Statutory Orders implement legislation on the different products.

Statutory Order for certain Single-Use Plastic products (In Danish)

The order extends the area of ​​producer responsibility to - in addition to filters for tobacco (FTT) - also include: Food containers, Packaging bags and foils, beverage containers, drinking cups, lightweight carrier bags, wet wipes and balloons.

Statutory Order for Single-Use Plastics (In Danish)

The Danish Statutory Order implementing the directive's marketing ban on certain single-use plastic products, as well as the labeling rules for single-use plastics.

Statutory Order for tobacco filters (In Danish)

The main Danish Statutory Order setting out the rules for producers, importers, compliance schemes and local authorities along with register administration at Danish Producer Responsibility (DPA)

Single-Use Plastics Directive

The EU directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment is also called the Single-Use Plastics Directive.

From EU to DK

The EU directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment is also called the Single-Use Plastics Directive or the SUP directive (short for single-use plastics). The directive regulated the ten most commonly found groups of littered single-use plastic products. Regulatory instruments are marketing restrictions, substitution, marking and information as well as producer responsibility for cleaning up litter.

The EU Single-use-plastics Directive is implemented by two Statutory Orders so far.


Is your product in scope?

EU guidelines for assessing whether your products are covered (scoping) and giving an outline of requirements for each individual product.

Commission guidelines on single-use plastic products in accordance with Directive (EU) 2019/904 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment


EU information page on single-use plastic products

Visit the EU Commission’s website on single-use plastic products with link to directives and regulations, summary of purpose, and current environmental targets. New measures and amendments to legislation are also published here.

Marking requirements for products

See standardised marking requirements for single-use plastic products

Legislation relating to packaging

Read more about EU and Danish legislation concerning producer responsibility for packaging

Legislation relating to electronics

Read more about EU and Danish legislation concerning producer responsibility for electronics

Legislation relating to batteries

Read more about EU and Danish legislation concerning producer responsibility for batteries

Legislation relating to vehicles

Read more about EU and Danish legislation concerning producer responsibility for vehicles