Information about reporting 2024
The annual statutory reporting starts just after New Year and the register opens for report by 1 January 2024. Please note that there are certain dates and issues that you must remember or check. We have therefore established this page where you can find guidance and information during the entire reporting period from 1 January to 31 March 2024. Also notice what's new in the system and user-interface by checking out the FAQ further down this page.
NB! No registration for packaging untill 1. april 2024
Important dates for you to remember | What? | How? |
2 January to 31 March | System opens for entry of figures | You must all report but if you are member of a collective scheme like Elretur, ERP, Receipo, RENE or Returbat, they will enter the figures on your behalf. |
2 January: Annual reporting starts + Changes to previous year’s reporting | In addition to reporting from the previous year, all changes and corrections must be made in this period and no later than 31 March | Once logged in, please create a request for corrections |
15 January: End-of-life vehicles | Car breakers’ reporting of environmentally treated scrap-vehicles starts | Reporting can be done up to 15 April |
15 February: Portable batteries | Deadline for reporting of portable batteries to SKAT (Danish Tax and Customs Administration) | SKAT transfers your quantities of portable batteries to DPA no later than 15 March |
15 March: Vehicles | Data on imported vehicles | The Motor Vehicle Agency transfers data on imported vehicles to DPA |
31 March: Annual reporting for electronics, batteries, and vehicles ends | The system closes for reporting | Reporting must be completed AND Reporting declaration signed |
15 April: End-of-life vehicles | Car breakers’ reporting of environmentally treated scrap-vehicles ends | Reporting must be completed and approved |
31 May: Authentication of reporting of electronics | Deadline for signature of management’s statement or auditor’s attestation for reporting of electronics | Login and select menu item Statements |
Reporting of quantities applies to products placed on the market in Denmark in 2023
In addition to the quantity sold in kg, you should, for your own sake, also report the quantities of electronics or batteries that you have taken back or received as used, defective or obsolete products, as these quantities are set off against your take-back obligation
Furthermore you must report quantities in kilograms of end-of-life products sent to environmental treatment with approved recycling facilities.
New minimum requirements and environmental target achievement
When you report all the required quantities, the reporting system calculates your recycling and recovery percentages. You will find the calculation in your company’s Annual Report when you are logged in.
Non-reporting leads to deletion
Please note that your business will be deleted from the producer register if the reporting is not completed in due time and further to the directions of DPA. Deletion means, among others, that your business can no longer legally deal in in-scope products in Denmark. If you wish to re-register, DPA must be contacted, and you must complete your reporting and pay a new registration fee.
Log in and reportDefinition of quantity
The weight is stated and reported in kilograms, as the weight of the entire product (finished article) in the form it is sold to the end-user, including electronic accessories but excluding batteries and accumulators, packaging, and manuals.
Seven reporting categoriesBatteries
The weight is always stated in entire kilograms, as the weight of the entire product (finished article) in the form it is sold to the purchaser, but excluding the weight of transport packaging, instructions and manuals. If the battery is incorporated into an appliance only the weight of the battery is stated. For batteries containing liquids (electrolyte) the weight is stated including liquid.
Portable batteries are reported to SKATVehicles
Vehicles sold are stated in number of passenger vehicles (M1) or small trucks (N1). Vehicles to be registered in the producer register with DPA are new vehicles and second-hand foreign vehicles imported and registered for use in Denmark for the first time. In practice, DPA receives from the Motor Vehicle Agency information about the number of vehicles imported and registered by Danish businesses in a calendar year.
Data from the Motor Vehicle AgencyRegister
Producer register
We are operating the national producer register for electronics, vehicles, and batteries. If you are a producer or an importer of in-scope products, this is where you must register to legally place your products on the market in Denmark. In every EU country there is a similar national register where businesses report every year how many products have been sold, collected, and environmentally treated in that country.
Log in with MitID ErhvervQuestions and answers about reporting (FAQ)
Since the last reporting period we have made improvements to the reporting procedure in the producer register, both regarding functionality and communication. These are, among others:
- If your business is established in Denmark with a Danish CVR number, you must login with MitID Erhverv. See how to access our register.
- Adaptation of the reporting process; the consequences (locking of fields) should now be clear to you when you sign the report declaration when one or more categories have still not been filled in or lack data from external players (e.g., from compliance scheme or from SKAT for portable batteries).
- Two-step locking of report so that you as a seller of electronic products can launch the work of the auditor’s attestation, even if reports of, for instance, batteries or vehicles from SKAT, are still outstanding (not covered by requirement for auditor’s attestation).
- Import of data for portable batteries and vehicles from SKAT: if you have been registered for several years, you will receive a notification of the data transfer via your system user e-mail address; if you are new in the register, you will receive this information via your digital mail (Digital Post) and your Danish CVR number.
- When your auditor signs the auditor’s attestation, the signed version is submitted to you and the auditor; this means that you must not yourself submit the final version of the auditor’s attestation.
- Your annual report, which can be downloaded or printed, now contains calculated rates for environmental targets (cf. future requirements for publication), company details, information about distance selling, and product brands.
- The management’s statement has been adapted so that you can add comments on, for instance, correction of quantities.
The reporting period is every year from 1 January to 31 March. In this period, you will report as a producer/importer all you have sold on the Danish market in the previous calendar year.
Reporting is done by choosing “Category selection and reporting” -> “Categories and quantities” in the menu on your left-hand side when you are logged in.
You can yourself select and deselect categories, so it fits with your range of products. The years are shown in the tabs on the page. The year open for reporting is the previous calendar year.
On this page, you can see how to access our register:
If your company is affiliated to one of these compliance schemes, they will transfer data on your behalf. Thereby, you must NOT report yourself to DPA on electronics, industrial and automotive batteries:
- Elretur
- Recipo
- Stena Recycling (only vehicles)
- ReturBat (only batteries)
- VANA – Dansk Emballageretur (only packaging)
Some businesses choose to assume their producer responsibility themselves and are thereby in whole or in part (only for certain categories) not members of a compliance scheme. They are called individual compliers.
- If you are an individual complier OR has product categories, e.g. professional products that are not affiliated to a compliance scheme, you must report directly in the register.
- Portable batteries must always be reported by yourselves through SKAT and your business file there. Read more here
- The reporting declaration must be signed by the business itself, irrespective of membership of a compliance scheme
You can change your report throughout the entire reporting period – from 1 January to 31 March. Contact your compliance scheme or your authorised representative if you disagree with the data transferred or make the corrections yourselves if you have typos.
It is not possible to make changes after 31 March.
Request for corrections: Changes to previous year’s reporting.
If the reporting period has ended you can create a request for corrections in the next reporting period and then change the quantities that have been reported incorrectly.
A feature has been developed so that you can open up for corrections to the last report without the involvement of DPA.
If your auditor or your bookkeeper has found that there are errors in your report, you can log in and sign a request for corrections; then the system opens the previous report, and you can make your corrections.
Compliance scheme or Authorised representative (AR)?
If you are a member of a compliance scheme or you have an AR, they must make the corrections on your behalf. In practice it is done as follows: when you have signed the request for corrections the compliance scheme or your AR will be notified that you have changes to the report, and they are asked to enter the correct quantity.
My products have been exported to another country
Refund for re-export means that a given quantity of the electrical equipment that a producer has placed on the Danish market in a calendar year and reported to the producer register in Denmark in that same year has been sold for export by a subsequent level in the sales chain.
Re-export cannot be reported more than two years back, i.e. for the present reporting year or as a change to last year’s report.
The quantity must always be reported under the year the quantity was sold. Thereby, the re-exported quantity cannot be higher than the quantity placed on the market in Denmark in that reporting year.
Refund means a set-off in the producer’s allocation, financial guarantee, and fee to DPA for the export out of Denmark by a subsequent level in the sales chain of part of the registered quantity placed on the market.
In connection with the annual reporting the producer can report quantities re-exported in the reporting year or the preceding year.
A refund can only be paid out against documentation. When a report is made of re-exported quantities the exported quantity must be documented before the end of the reporting period, before any refund can be granted.
This documentation is in the form of a Solemn Declaration in which the business having bought and re-exported the quantity in question documents the following by its digital signature:
- Sale and export for the year – no more than two years back
- The magnitude of the re-exported quantity stated in kilograms and broken down on categories and end-users.
- That the quantity in question originates from the producer in question.
What’s the cost? Is it a tax?
Producer responsibility has certain implications, both in the form of costs and revenues. Overall, these are a one-off fee for registration and an annual quantity-based fee related to quantities placed on the Danish market in a calendar year. In addition, membership of a collective scheme also entails some costs.
However, there is only one statutory fee (and one that only applies to portable batteries and SKAT). Fee rates are calculated by DPA based on annual reporting of quantities, and they are approved by the Minister for the Environment. The fee rates are published annually on the DPA website.
Since there is often a positive value of the resources recovered in the environmental treatment of waste electronics, batteries, and vehicles, there may be fine revenues if the duty of take-back and treatment is organised in a smooth way.
You can calculate your statutory costs in our online calculator, where you can enter the expected annual quantities placed on the market and see what you should expect to pay for your registration and administration of the reporting system.
Annual reporting must be completed.
- First and foremost, make sure that you or your compliance scheme has completed the annual reporting.
- When you are logged onto the producer register you must choose the menu item “Statements”.
- Answer the questions here and find out whether you have to make an Auditor’s attestation or a Management’s statement.
- If you need to make an auditor’s attestation you must invite your auditor:
- Click the green button, fill in the CVR number of the audit firm, name and e-mail of the auditor, and send the e-mail.
- Now the auditor can accept and thereby get access to those of your data that he/she needs.
On this page, you can see how to access our register:
Guidelines for Registration and Annual Reporting
Step-by-step document : Guidelines for registration and reporting 2024.
About registration
See how to register as a new producer in the producer register
See registered producers
See registered producers and importers of electronics, batteries, and vehicles
Compliance schemes
See information about collective vs individual compliance schemes and authorised representatives
Other players
See which other players in addition to producers, importers, and authorities are involved in the producer responsibility with various roles
Annual reporting
Read more about annual reporting of electronics
Economy and fees
See current fees for products subject to producer responsibility
Legislation relating to electronics
See the statutory basis for producer responsibility for electronics
See which types of electrical equipment are subject to exemptions
Marking of equipment
Read more about requirements for marking of electronics
Management of waste electronics and batteries
Read more about how to collect and manage waste electronics and end-of-life batteries