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Collection and management of end-of-life vehicles

Collection and management of end-of-life vehicles

End-of-life vehicles must be handed over to registered waste treatment operators for environmental treatment. By contrast to waste electronics and end-of-life batteries this is not ensured in a national collection service. Instead, an incentive scheme has been introduced in which the registered owner is entitled to a scrapping premium when their end-of-life vehicle is handed over to an approved dealer, car breaker, or other waste treatment operators. In 2022, a requirement for provision of a financial guarantee was introduced in connection with the management of end-of-life vehicles. Read more about particular aspects of this requirement.

No allocation scheme in producer responsibility for vehicles

The producer responsibility for vehicles is different from the other producer responsibility fields. Among others, there is no allocation scheme in connection with the collection of end-of-life vehicles.  The car importer who is subject to producer responsibility will always be responsible for ensuring that the car owner can hand over their vehicle for environmental treatment, but typically end-of-life vehicles will be handed over to an environmentally approved car breaker. Therefore, it is rarely seen that the vehicles are taken back to the producer/the importer. Since the producer is rarely involved in the collection or environmental treatment, an allocation scheme is not as relevant here as it is for waste electronics.

Read more about Allocation

End-of-life vehicles

Importers’ producer responsibility

Note that the car owner is always entitled to return the vehicle to the importer at its end-of-life. Importers of more than 20 vehicles a year are furthermore obliged to ensure that owners can return end-of-life vehicles free of charge no more than 50 kilometres from the point of sale.

Car scrapping

Financial guarantee – is not levied

Producers and importers must provide a guarantee for the financing of management and environmental treatment of end-of-life vehicles. The magnitude of the guarantee must be based on expected costs of environmental treatment. Since the management of end-of-life vehicles – as described above – is typically ensured without the intervention of the producer, these producers are not expected to bear any costs relating to waste management, and therefore no financial guarantee is levied.

This is due to the fact that at the moment the materials contained in an end-of-life vehicle are assessed to have a value that exceeds the costs associated with waste management.

This means that even if the importer goes bankrupt or ceases to exist for other reasons the value of the material resources contained in the vehicle will be a sufficient incentive for environmental treatment and recovery, whether or not the importer is still in the market.

The car, recycling, and raw materials industries may change, and if the costs of management of end-of-life vehicles increase a financial guarantee may be levied in the future.


Car scrapping

See what you must do as a car owner when your car has reached its end of life and must be scrapped

Register as importer

See how to register as a new importer of vehicles and automotive batteries in the producer register

Annual reporting

Read more about annual reporting of vehicles and automotive batteries

Car breaker reporting - guidelines

See guidelines for car breakers’ reporting of environmental treatment and scrapping of end-of-life vehicles

Car breakers’ reporting

Go to Reporting of environmental treatment of vehicles

Economy and fees

See current fees for products subject to producer responsibility

Legislation relating to vehicles

See the statutory basis for producer responsibility for vehicles and treatment of end-of-life vehicles

Producer responsibility for batteries

Read more about producer responsibility for automotive batteries

Legislation relating to batteries

Find legislation relating to batteries, including automotive batteries

Collective schemes

See list of collective schemes in Denmark There is only one such scheme for vehicles

Approved car breakers

Go to list of approved car breakers in Denmark