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Electronic equipment (EEE)
Environmental targets – electronics

EU's environmental targets for electronics

See status for Denmark's and producers' compliance with the environmental targets set out by the EU Commission.

Collection rate 2021 (Awaiting update)

Gennemsnit af 3 års markedsført: 
År 2020229989.022
År 2021252038.314
År 2022258556.296
Totalt indsamlet 202372441.676

EU targets electronics

On this page you can see to which extent Denmark complies with the EU environmental targets for producer responsibility for electronics.

Note that the collection rate for electronics is calculated on the basis of an average of the ‘previous’ three years’ quantities placed on the market. Thereby, the calculation methods for WEEE and BAT are not the same; the year of the data (in this case 2020) is not included for WEEE, whereas it is included in the calculation of the average of batteries collection.
Presumably, this difference in calculation methods is due to the different useful lives of the products in question.

On 24 July 2012 a revised WEEE Directive entered into force. New targets had been adopted for the EU Member States’ collection and environmental treatment of waste from electrical and electronic equipment. Thus, from 2016 it is a requirement that Member States collect at least 45% of ALL electrical equipment placed on the market at the end of its useful life. The previous target was 4 kilograms per capita and only for equipment for use in private households. The collection target will gradually increase up to 65% in the years up to 2019. As to efficiency of environmental treatment, recycling and recovery must increase by 5 % in the years 2015-2018.


Collection targets

 DK-resultat 2022EU-mål 2022
Alt WEEE29%65%

Recycled/reused and recovered WEEE and EU targets

DK-resultat %
EU-mål %
DK-resultat %
EU-mål %
1. Udstyr til temperaturudveksling|1. Temperature Exchange Equipment97%85%79%80%
2. Skærme og monitorer|2. Screens & Monitors97%80%93%70%
3. Lyskilder|3. Light Sources80%0%80%80%
4. Stort udstyr|4. Large Equipment90%85%82%80%
5. Småt udstyr|5. Small Equipment97%75%85%55%
6. Småt it- og telekommunikationsudstyr|6. Small IT and telecommunications equipment97%75%86%55%
7. Fotovoltaiske paneler|7. Photovoltaic panels100%0%95%0%

Statistics electronics

EEE placed on the market

See quantities of electronics per category that were placed on the Danish market in current reporting year; you can also see developments in quantities placed on the market.

Quantities of waste electronics collected

See quantities of waste electronics collected in municipalities, by collective schemes, or taken back by the producer in current reporting year.

Municipal collection of electronics

See municipal collection of waste electronics. See how many electronics each municipality collects per fraction, capita, and total.

Difference - sold and collected

See the difference between what is placed on the market and what is collected as waste.

Treated quantities - Geographical area

See the geographical location of the first treatment facility as well as rate of reuse, recycling, and recovery per category.

Environmental targets Electronics

See Denmark's compliance with environmental targets set out by the EU Commission.