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Products and responsibility

Which products are covered?

Raw materials, material consumption, and chemical ingredients are the focal point of producer responsibility legislation. For each product area a regulation decides whether your business is covered by the rules. The official authority assessment whether products are covered is called “Scoping”



Electrical and electronic equipment dependent on electric currents



All batteries distributed on three types of battery



Two types of new and second-hand imported vehicles

Single-use plastic

Single-use plastic

7 single-use plastic products, which are most often thrown into nature



All packaging types and materials are covered

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Ins and outs

The rationale behind producer responsibility is the use and recovery of materials and substances in the production of electronics, batteries, and vehicles. Therefore, the starting point of any producer responsibility for producers or importers is your products.

See the basic legislation here


Generally, all products in the product groups of electronics, batteries, and vehicles are subject to producer responsibility. However, a few exemptions exist in each producer responsibility area. Most exemptions are caused by the fact that the product is covered by similar legislation.

All exemptions are described under each product area and will be checked in our test.


Rules on marking

See the rules for in-scope products and how to mark them with a special pictogram

Products and legislation

Get a grasp of general legislation and product-specific legislation